Luis Biava is principal cellist of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO), artistic director of the Chamber Music Society of Dublin (CMSD), and conductor of the Metropolitan Chamber Orchestra and Camarata.  His family represents four generations of musicians.  His first cello studies were with his uncle Miguel Uribe in his native Colombia, and he performs regularly in the Trio Biava-Uribe with his aunt (Blanca Uribe, piano) and his father (Luis Biava, violin).  He attended the University of Michigan, and obtained a master’s degree from the Juilliard School where he studied with Leonard Rose.  He has also studied with Gabo Rejto, Samuel Mayes, Elsa Hilger, and Oliver Edel.  He has performed solos with CSO; the symphonies of Savannah, the University of Michigan, Temple University, Bogotá and Westerville as well as the Upper Arlington Community Orchestra, the Filamonica de Bogotá, and the Antioquia Symphony of Medellin.  He has performed many chamber music concerts with CMSD and Camarata and is a member of the High Street Four String Quartet and the Canaletto Ensemble.  His recordings include Fauré’s Elegy with the CSO and he has also been featured on recordings of local pop and jazz musicians.  He performed a recital at the University of Puerto Rico in September of this year.  Mr. Biava is currently an adjunct professor at Kenyon College and on the faculty of FOSJA in San Juan Puerto Rico.